Benefits of Becoming a Member
- Nominating Youth Work Alliance does not and will not prevent any local centre from availing of services from other regional groups.
- EA Youth Services resource other regional organisations to provide and facilitate programmed opportunities. Some of these are youth work practice-based and some are aimed at young people in your units. Should a regional organisation be successful in being awarded a specification to provide these services, these should be open to all local EA specification holders to access.
- YWA defines our regional, strategic role very specifically: we are here to represent our members and we are here to ensure that our members are advocated on behalf of. We don’t deliver programmes or activities for young people but seek to ensure that you are resourced and enhanced to do so.
- Our membership is free, our youth work practice training is bespoke to the needs of the sector at a local level, and we continually seek opportunities to enhance the capacity for local delivery.
- Nominating YWA as your headquarter organisation will enable your unit to receive support with the following:
Recruitment and Selection
Human Resources-related issues
Quality Assurance guidance and support
Support with legal compliances/statutory obligations
Developing and managing financial systems
Supplying your organisation with fit-for-purpose policies & procedures
Preparation for ETI inspections
Access to the Managing Information System
Access to training such as strength-based youth work, trauma-informed practice, ACEs, etc
Access to our new suite of safeguarding training for youth support staff and D.O. training
Support with EA moderation processes, etc