Strength Based Youth Work
Comprehensive training package which enables youth work staff to explore strategies to develop resilience in young people, particularly those deemed to be at-risk and in need of sustained engagements and interventions. This training explores positive mentoring relationships and why they matter, embedding compassion and empathy into our work and introduces youth work staff to the impacts of trauma and adversity on young people.
This training workshop enables youth work staff to explore the why and how of what they do. It explores the purpose of individual youth organisations and seeks to create a shared understanding of organisational visions, strategies and methodologies. This training is tailored and bespoke to each participating unit.
Child Protection Awareness
A comprehensive training package for youth work staff to embed understanding and awareness of the categories of abuse, review the various roles in the safeguarding and protection of service users and youth work staff, embed effective responses to safeguarding situations, and explore codes of practice.
Child Protection Designated Officers
This training explores the role of the designated person within youth work organisations and provides the relevant information to enable the youth work staff and relevant trustees fulfilling this role to understand their responsibilities and legal requirements. It outlines the pathways for referrals, safeguarding audit processes, and record keeping.
This training session provides youth work staff with an overview of the content of the CRED policy and facilitates a tailored review of how youth work organisations are promoting and embedding this within their unit.
Reflective Practice
This training package explores the rationale and purpose of reflective practice, reviewing the underpinning principles, exploring the benefits, and exploring some of the models and resources to help youth work staff in embedding reflection in their work with children and young people.
Effective Recruitment & Selection
This training workshop and accompanying guide ensure that trustee board/management committee members and senior staff members are equipped with the necessary knowledge and supporting information to fulfil their legal compliance and duties in the recruitment processes.
An Introduction to Trauma-Informed Practice
This training session presents and explores the complex area of trauma and how this can present to youth work staff in the course of their work with children and young people. This training allows for reflection upon our interventions with those young people who are trauma-impacted or have experienced trauma and looks at ways to embed appropriate and supportive responses through key strategies. A focus upon workers is also part of this training and the promotion of self-care.
A.C.E.'s Training
"There comes a point when we need to stop just pulling people out of the river, we need to go upstream and find out why they are falling in." Archbishop Desmond Tutu
This training package enables youth work staff to learn about the implications of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the physical and emotional health of children and young people. It draws upon the groundbreaking research of renowned international experts in the field who have examined the impacts of adversity on a child's developing brain and body, and allows youth work staff to explore how effective relationships can be increasingly important in the lives of those impacted.
Principles and Practices of Street-Based Youth Work
This training session presents the various different facets of street-based work with young people and explores the differences between each of the methodologies. It also allows for a review of the planning systems for street-based work and critical interventions, looking at the processes and intentions involved and also exploring effective monitoring, reviewing and evaluating of street-based work. A focus on key ethical considerations and the importance of effective systems is also included.